Monday, September 30, 2019

Contemporary Managment – Vodafone

Linking the HRS objectives with the business strategy demonstrates the fast paced nature of the industry and the relationship between human capital and strategy. Issues in Commission and Bonuses ( Rewards Benefits) Paul Cheroots HRS Director of Avoidance commented that Avoidance ‘saw flexible working hours, part time and home working as an imperative aspect of Job requirements for staff. He acknowledged that they would also still be looking for commitment and productivity likewise. Policies that were promoting flexible working and reasonable work life balances ‘used to be nice to have, now they are a must.Its become a core demand from candidates. Carination (2005) According to CHIP such working patterns are still in high demand today. Training is performed a TA residential Recommendations for the HARM issues that Avoidance face: Using something other than redundancy to save money – clear impact on motivation and morale. Suggest other ways. Accommodating for changes in External Environment with in the workforce such as the need for flexible working. Get stats from IONS Avoidance have 8 Losing the staff to better paid industries such as banking and estate agency.Good sales people or often required in Re ; Specialist agencies for each sector of business Recruiting in a Recession http://www. Personality. Com/articles/2009/01116/4901 Wrecking-in-a- recession. HTML Module phone retailer boatmen NAS 1 K employees Dates at Its nonstarters in Newbury, Berkshire, a number of regional contact centers, and about 350 retail stores. It recruits about 3,000 staff into new positions each year – 2,000 from external candidates, and 1,000 internally. The disciplines covered include customer services, retail, technology, marketing, finance and HRS.The economic climate means that looking for value for money is more crucial than ever in all areas of business, but resounding operations manager Anna Tompkins says that establishing best-value, cutting-edge qua lity recruitment processes has always been essential in this competitive market. â€Å"We are always looking at ways to be more effective in how we recruit,† she says. â€Å"We have to be focused and deliver what is needed to support the business strategy. This may mean delivering things in a different way to before.Avoidance partners with three firms for recruitment process outsourcing, each of which manages a different aspect of its recruitment process. Alexander Mann Solutions manages specialist and head office roles Adduce handles retail adviser roles and Reed manages recruiting customer service advisers. All have been working with Avoidance for the past four years. This has improved the effectiveness of Avoidance's recruitment systems, says Tompkins, and the company has an ongoing improvement programmer designed to encourage partners to deliver the best possible experience for the candidate during the process.Working with resounding partners helps us take stock of what opportunities there are to do things more efficiently,† she says. â€Å"For instance, each partner provides regular activity information and suggests improvements to the process and experience. â€Å"Last year, we found we were running a number of assessment centers for roles where we felt this was not the most appropriate approach. By developing and implementing interview skills training for line managers, we were able to give them more confidence to participate in the right type of assessment at the right time.It also helped streamline our approach and improve the candidate experience. † The company is also using input from external recruitment specialists to help improve the experience of candidates applying for Jobs, and to hone the recruitment skills of line managers. â€Å"We are careful not to expect line managers to accommodate too many changes at once and we plan our calendar of improvements around what the business is doing overall,† says Tompkins. She believes that while the perspective of external specialists is useful, any findings should be fed back to staff if they are to have an impact.For example, nine managers were involved at every stage in a recent initiative to improve their interview skills, and their views and expectations were built into the process. At Avoidance we are committed to helping you perform at your best and realism your full potential. Join us and you'll benefit from regular development reviews to understand your goals, strengths and development areas. You will work with your manager to create your own Personal Development Plan. You will have access to a range of learning experiences including on-the Job experience, Job rotation, coaching, mentoring as well as online and face to face learning programmed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethical Issues in Health Care Finance Essay

The topic of ethical issues in every industry is usually interesting because it attracts a significant number of scholars and professionals to argue. This topic becomes even more interesting when it comes to health care financing. Ethical issues in health care financing begin, when defining human health. Human health is a basic need (Maharaj and Paul, 2011). It does not matter what type of health challenges a person has and whether a person is in a developed country or not. The issue with human health is that, all humans require health appropriate treatment when they need it. However, the health care system seems insatiable when it comes to financing. Health care financing source from an individual occurs at the at the point of delivery otherwise known as fees for services does not seem to have a significant impact in the required health care financing (Hurley, 2001). It is important to leave individuals as entities that pay for healthcare out of financing the health care industry an d concentrate on the government, private agencies such as insurances and donors. The ethical issues in health care financing questions whether the major health care financiers: the government and insurance companies can justify paying for treatment for all human in the country. The argument with health care financing is that governments can pay for high medical technology development in terms of complicated medical equipments and new treatment technologies. It is important to understand that although advanced medical development are in place, there is an issue as to whether individual patients will the able to afford treatment using this advanced technology (Maharaj and Paul, 2011). If individual patients will not afford to use new treatment technologies, then it will be likely that the new advancement in medical technologies are a direct preserves of those with an upper economic advantage. This is contrary to the equity required in the health care system because health is basic need and therefore should be available for all. High cost of medical technological  treatment and a few populations who cannot individually afford for this treatment are not the only issues that raise medical treatment. The insurance industry is the greatest player in the health c are industry. The insurance industry provides medical policies for every eligible citizen. While the insurance arrangement for healthcare financing is justified through the assumption that country men and women are participating in sharing cost in paying up hospital bills. However, there is a crisis with the health insurance, which has raised significant ethical issues. This issues range from existence of different types of policies for different people and the issues that, the insurance company rather than the doctor determines the type of treatment the patient will get because of different categorized policies. Another incidence of inequality sets in even in with the insurance. Just like individual patient might not afford to pay high tech medical treatment at the point of delivery, the same is happening in the insurance industry because insurances now require different policies for different individual (Maharaj and Paul, 2011). These different policies characterize people according to their risk such that, people of high risk pay more premiums that people of low risk. If this policy categorization is justified then there will be a new inequality that will set in. This inequality will arise from those who pay for high premiums and might never have to go to hospital unless an accident occurs. Health care financing will seem to be a long term debate bombarded with ethical issues that take long to solve. These ethical dilemma although exist to offer ready solutions in healthcare financing, the whole issue boils down to whether the current happening in the health care industry offers beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice. Reference Maharaj, S.R. and Paul, TJ. (2011). Ethical Issues in Healthcare Financing. West Indian Medical Journal. 60. (4): 31-44 Hurley, J. (2001). Ethics, economics, and public financing of health care. Journal of Medical Ethics. 27. (4): 234-239.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Behavior Of Human Being Health And Social Care Essay

Methodology is a subject ; study the behaviour of human being in assorted societal scene. Harmonizing to Merton ( 1957 ) methodological analysis is the logic of scientific process. The research is a systematic method of detecting new facts for verifying old facts, their sequence, interrelatedness, insouciant account and natural Torahs that govern them. The scientific methodological analysis is a system of explicit regulations and processs upon which research is based and against which the claim for cognition are evaluated. This subdivision of the survey edifying the description of the survey country, definitions of stuff used methods to accomplish the aims and indispensable parts of the present survey.3.1 Data Collection:The information is collected by carry oning a study so that those factors can be considered which were non available in the infirmary record and were most of import as the hazard factors of hepatitis. The study was conducted in the liver Centre of the DHQ infirmary Faisalabad during the months of February and March 2009. A questionnaire was made for the intent of study and all possible hazard factors were added in it. During the two months the figure of patients that were interviewed was 262. The factors studied in this study are Age, Gender, Education, Marital Status, Area, Hepatitis Type, Profession, Jaundice History, History of Blood Transfusion, History of Surgery, Family History, Smoking, and Diabetes. Most of the factors in this information set are binary and some have more than two classs. Hepatitis type is response variable which has three classs.3.2 Restrictions of Datas:In the outline it was decided to take a complete study on the five types of hepatitis but during the study it was known that hepatitis A is non a unsafe disease and the patients of this disease are non admitted in the infirmary. In this disease patients can be all right after 1 or 2 cheque ups and largely patients do n't cognize that they have this disease and with the transition of clip their disease finished without any side consequence. On the other manus, hepatitis D and E are really rare and really unsafe diseases. HDV can hold growing in the presence of HBV. The patient, who has hepatitis B , can hold hepatitis D but non the other than that. These are really rare instances. During my two months study non a individual patient of hepatitis A, D and E was found. Largely people are enduring from the hepatitis B and C. So now the dependant variable has three classs. Therefore polynomial logistic arrested development theoretical account with a dependant variable holding three classs is made.3.3 Statistical Variables:The word variable is used in statistically oriented literature to bespeak a characteristic or a belongings that is possible to mensurate. When the research worker measures something, he makes a numerical theoretical account of the phenomenon being measured. Measurements of a variable addition their significance from the fact that there exists a alone correspondence between the assigned Numberss and the degrees of the belongings being measured. In the finding of the appropriate statistical analysis for a given set of informations, it is utile to sort variables by type. One method for sorting variables is by the grade of edification evident in the manner they are measured. For illustration, a research worker can mensurate tallness of people harmonizing to whether the top of their caput exceeds a grade on the wall: if yes, they are tall ; and if no, they are short. On the other manus, the research worker can besides mensurate tallness in centimetres or inches. The ulterior technique is a more sophisticated manner of mensurating tallness. As a scientific subject progresss, measurings of the variables with which it deals become more sophisticated. Assorted efforts have been made to formalise variable categorization. A normally recognized system is proposed by Stevens ( 1951 ) . In this system measurings are classified as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio graduated tables. In deducing his categorization, Stevens characterized each of the four types by a transmutation that would non alter a measurings categorization.Table 3.1 Steven ‘s Measurement SystemType of Measurement Basic empirical operation Examples Nominal Determination of equality of classs. Religion, Race, Eye colour, Gender, etc. Ordinal Determination of greater than or less than ( ranking ) . Rating of pupils, Ranking of the BP as low, medium, high etc. Time interval Determination of equality of differences between degrees. Temperature etc. Ratio Determination of equality of ratios of degrees. Height, Weight, etc. Variable of the survey are of categorical in nature and holding nominal and ordinal type of measuring.3.4 Variables of Analysis:Since the chief focal point of this survey is on the association of different hazard factors with the presence of HBV and HCV. Therefore, the person in the informations were loosely classified into three groups. This categorization is based on whether an person is a bearer of HBV, HCV or None of these. Following table explains this categorization.Table 3.2 Categorization of PersonsNo.SampleHepatitisPercentageI 100 No 38.2 Two 19 HBV 7.3 Three 143 HCV 54.6 Entire 262— –1003.4.1 Categorization of Predictor Variables:Nominal type variables and cryptography is: Sexual activity Male: 1 Female: 2 Area Urban: 1 Rural: 2 Marital Status Single: 1 Married: 2 Hepatitis Type No: 1 B: 2 C: 3 Profession: No:1 Farmer:2 Factory:3 Govt. :4 5: Shop Keeper Jaundice Yes: 1 No: 2 History Blood Transfusion Yes: 1 No: 2 History Surgery Yes: 1 No 2 Family History Yes: 1 No: 2 Smoking Yes: 1 No: 2 Diabetess Yes: 1 No: 2 Ordinal type variable and cryptography is: Age 11 to 20: 1 21 to 30: 2 31 to 40: 3 41 to 50: 4 51 to 60: 5 Education: Primary: 1 Middle: 2 Metric: 3 Fas: 4 BA: 5 University: 63.5 Statistical Analysis:The appropriate statistical analysis techniques to accomplish the aims of the survey include frequence distribution, per centums and eventuality tabular arraies among the of import variables. In multivariate analysis, comparing of Logistic Regression and Classification trees is made. The statistical bundle SPSS was used for the intent of analysis.3.6 Logistic Arrested development:Logistic arrested development is portion of statistical theoretical accounts called generalised additive theoretical accounts. This broad category of theoretical accounts includes ordinary arrested development and analysis of discrepancy, every bit good as multivariate statistics such as analysis of covariance and Loglinear arrested development. A enormous intervention of generalised additive theoretical accounts is presented in Agresti ( 1996 ) . Logistic arrested development analysis surveies the relationship between a categorical response variable and a set of independent ( explanatory ) variables. The name logistic arrested development is frequently used when the dependant variable has merely two values. The name multiple-group logistic arrested development ( MGLR ) is normally reserved for the instance when the response variable has more than two alone values. Multiple-group logistic arrested development is sometimes called polynomial logistic arrested development, polytomous logistic arrested development, polychotomous logistic arrested development, or nominal logistic arrested development. Although the information construction is different from that of multiple arrested developments, the practical usage of the process is similar. Logistic arrested development competes with discriminant analysis as a method for analysing distinct dependent variables. In fact, the current esthesis among many statisticians is that logistic arrested development is more adaptable and superior for most state of affairss than is discriminant analysis because logistic arrested development does non presume that the explanatory variables are usually distributed while discriminant analysis does. Discriminant analysis can be used merely in instance of uninterrupted explanatory variables. Therefore, in cases where the forecaster variables are categorical, or a mixture of uninterrupted and categorical variables, logistic arrested development is preferred. Provided logistic arrested development theoretical account does non affect determination trees and is more similar to nonlinear arrested development such as suiting a multinomial to a set of informations values.3.6.1 The Logit and Logistic Transformations:In multiple arrested development, a mathematical theoretical account of a set of explanatory variables is used to foretell the mean of the dependant variable. In logistic arrested development, a mathematical theoretical account of a set of explanatory variable is used to foretell a transmutation of the dependant variable. This is logit transmutation. Suppose the numerical values of 0 and 1 are assigned to the two classs of a binary variable. Often, 0 represents a negative response and a 1 represents a positive response. The mean of this variable will be the proportion of positive responses. Because of this, we might seek to pattern the relationship between the chance ( proportion ) of a positive response and explanatory variable. If P is the proportion of observations with a response of 1, so 1-p is the chance of a response of 0. The ratio p/ ( 1-p ) is called the odds and the logit is the logarithm of the odds, or merely log odds. Mathematically, the logit transmutation is written as The following tabular array shows the logit for assorted values of P.Table 3.3 Logit for Various Values of PPhosphorusLogit ( P )PhosphorusLogit ( P )0.001 -6.907 0.999 6.907 0.010 -4.595 0.990 4.595 0.05 -2.944 0.950 2.944 0.100 -2.197 0.900 2.197 0.200 -1.386 0.800 1.386 0.300 -0.847 0.700 0.847 0.400 -0.405 0.600 0.405 0.500 0.000— —— —Note that while P ranges between zero and one, the logit scopes between subtraction and plus eternity. Besides note that the nothing logit occurs when P is 0.50. The logistic transmutation is the opposite of the logit transmutation. It is written as3.6.2 The Log Odds Transformation:The difference between two log odds can be used to compare two proportions, such as that of males versus females. Mathematically, this difference is written This difference is frequently referred to as the log odds ratio. The odds ratio is frequently used to compare proportions across groups. Note that the logistic transmutation is closely related to the odds ratio. The contrary relationship is3.7 The Multinomial Logistic Regression and Logit Model:In multiple-group logistic arrested development, a distinct dependant variable Y holding G alone values is a regressed on a set of p independent variables. Y represents a manner of partitioning the population of involvement. For illustration, Y may be presence or absence of a disease, status after surgery, a matrimonial position. Since the names of these dividers are arbitrary, refer to them by back-to-back Numberss. Y will take on the values 1, 2, aˆÂ ¦ , G. Let The logistic arrested development theoretical account is given by the G equations Here, is the chance that an single with values is in group g. That is, Normally ( that is, an intercept is included ) , but this is non necessary. The quantities represent the anterior chances of group rank. If these anterior chances are assumed equal, so the term becomes zero and drops out. If the priors are non assumed equal, they change the values of the intercepts in the logistic arrested development equation. The arrested development coefficients for the mention group set to zero. The pick of the mention group is arbitrary. Normally, it is the largest group or a control group to which the other groups are to be compared. This leaves G-1 logistic arrested development equations in the polynomial logistic arrested development theoretical account. are population arrested development coefficients that are to be estimated from the informations. Their estimations are represented by B ‘s. The represents the unknown parametric quantities, while the B ‘s are their estimations. These equations are additive in the logits of p. However, in footings of the chances, they are nonlinear. The corresponding nonlinear equations are Since =1 because all of its arrested development coefficients are zero. Frequently, all of these theoretical accounts referred to as logistic arrested development theoretical accounts. However, when the independent variables are coded as ANOVA type theoretical accounts, they are sometimes called logit theoretical accounts. can be interpreted as that This shows that the concluding value is the merchandise of its single footings.3.7.1 Solving the Likelihood Equation:To better notation, allow The likeliness for a sample of N observations is so given by where is one if the observation is in group g and zero otherwise. Using the fact that =1, the likeliness, L, is given by Maximal likeliness estimations of are found by happening those values that maximize this log likeliness equation. This is accomplished by ciphering the partial derived functions and so equates them to zero. The ensuing likeliness equations are For g = 1, 2, aˆÂ ¦ , G and k = 1, 2, aˆÂ ¦ , p. Actually, since all coefficients are zero for g=1, the scope of g is from 2 to G. Because of the nonlinear nature of the parametric quantities, there is no closed-form solution to these equations and they must be solved iteratively. The Newton-Raphson method as described in Albert and Harris ( 1987 ) is used to work out these equations. This method makes usage of the information matrix, , which is formed from the 2nd partial derived function. The elements of the information matrix are given by The information matrix is used because the asymptotic covariance matrix is equal to the opposite of the information matrix, i.e. This covariance matrix is used in the computation of assurance intervals for the arrested development coefficients, odds ratios, and predicted chances.3.7.2 Interpretation of Regression Coefficients:The reading of the estimated arrested development coefficients is non easy as compared to that in multiple arrested development. In polynomial logistic arrested development, non merely is the relationship between X and Y nonlinear, but besides, if the dependant variable has more than two alone values, there are several arrested development equations. See the simple instance of a binary response variable, Y, and one explanatory variable, X. Assume that Y is coded so it takes on the values 0 and 1. In this instance, the logistic arrested development equation is Now consider impact of a unit addition in X. The logistic arrested development equation becomes We can insulate the incline by taking the difference between these two equations. We have That is, is the log of the odds at X+1 and X. Removing the logarithm by exponentiating both sides gives The arrested development coefficient is interpreted as the log of the odds ratio comparing the odds after a one unit addition in X to the original odds. Note that, unlike the multiple arrested developments, the reading of depends on the peculiar value of X since the chance values, the P ‘s, will change for different X.3.7.3 Binary Independent Variable:When Ten can take on merely two values, say 0 and 1, the above reading becomes even simpler. Since there are merely two possible values of X, there is a alone reading for given by the log of the odds ratio. In mathematical term, the significance of is so To wholly understand, we must take the logarithm of the odds ratio. It is hard to believe in footings of logarithms. However, we can retrieve that the log of one is zero. So a positive value of indicates that the odds of the numerator are big while a negative value indicates that the odds of the denominator are larger. It is probability easiest to believe in footings of instead than a, because is the odds ratio while is the log of the odds ratio.3.7.4 Multiple Independent Variables:When there are multiple independent variables, the reading of each arrested development coefficient more hard, particularly if interaction footings are included in the theoretical account. In general nevertheless, the arrested development coefficient is interpreted the same as above, except that the caution ‘holding all other independent variables changeless ‘ must be added. That is, can the values of this independent variable be increased by one without altering any of the other variables. If it can, so the reading is as earlier. If non, so some type of conditional statement must be added that histories for the values of the other variables.3.7.5 Polynomial Dependent Variable:When the dependant variable has more than two values, there will be more than one arrested development equation. Infect, the figure of arrested development equation is equal to one less than the figure of categories in dependent variables. This makes reading more hard because there is several arrested development coefficients associated with each independent variable. In this instance, attention must be taken to understand what each arrested development equation is anticipation. Once this is understood, reading of each of the k-1 arrested development coefficients for each variable can continue as above. For illustration, dependant variable has three classs A, B and C. Two arrested development equations will be generated matching to any two of these index variables. The value that is non used is called the mention class value. As in this instance C is taken as mention class, the arrested development equations would be The two coefficients for in these equations, , give the alteration in the log odds of A versus C and B versus C for a one unit alteration in, severally.3.7.6 Premises:On logistic arrested development the existent limitation is that the result should be distinct. One-dimensionality in the logit i.e. the logistic arrested development equation should be additive related with the logit signifier of the response variable. No outliers Independence of mistakes. No Multicollinearity.3.8 Categorization Trees:To foretell the rank of each category or object in instance of categorical response variable on the footing of one or more forecaster variables categorization trees are used. The flexibleness ofA categorization trees makes them a really dramatic analysis choice, but it can non be said that their usage is suggested to the skip of more traditional techniques. The traditional methods should be preferred, in fact, when the theoretical and distributional premises of these methods are fulfilled. But as an option, or as a technique of last option when traditional methods fail, A categorization treesA are, in the sentiment of many research workers, unsurpassed.The survey and usage ofA categorization treesA are non prevailing in the Fieldss of chance and statistical theoretical account sensing ( Ripley, 1996 ) , butA categorization treesA are by and large used in applied Fieldss as in medical specialty for diagnosing, computing machine scientific discipline to measure informations constructions, vegetation for categorization, and in psychological science for doing determination theory.A Classification trees thirstily provide themselves to being displayed diagrammatically, functioning to do them easy to construe. Several tree turning algorithms are available. In this survey three algorithms are used CART ( Classification and Regression Tree ) , CHAID ( Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection ) , and QUEST ( Quick Unbiased Efficient Statistical Tree ) .3.9 CHAID Algorithm:The CHAID ( Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection ) algorithm is originally proposed by Kass ( 1980 ) . CHAID algorithm allows multiple splits of a node. This algorithm merely accepts nominal or ordinal categorical forecasters. When forecasters are uninterrupted, they are transformed into ordinal forecasters before utilizing this algorithm It consists of three stairss: meeting, splitting and fillet. A tree is grown by repeatedly utilizing these three stairss on each node get downing organize the root node.3.9.1. Merging:For each explanatory variable Ten, unify non-significant classs. If X is used to divide the node, each concluding class of X will ensue in one kid node. Adjusted p-value is besides calculated in the confluent measure and this P value is to be used in the measure of splitting. If there is merely one class in X, so halt the process and set the adjusted p-value to be 1. If X has 2 classs, the adjusted p-value is computed for the merged classs by using Bonferroni accommodations. Otherwise, happen the sensible brace of classs of X ( a sensible brace of classs for ordinal forecaster is two next classs, and for nominal forecaster is any two classs ) that is least significantly different ( i.e. more similar ) . The most kindred brace is the brace whose trial statistic gives the highest p-value with regard to the response variable Y. For the brace holding the highest p-value, look into if its p-value is larger than significance-level. If it is larger than significance degree, this brace is merged into a individual compound class. Then a new set of classs of that explanatory variable is formed. If the freshly created compound class consists of three or more original classs, so happen the best binary split within the compound class for which p-value is the smallest. Make this binary split if its p-value is non greater than significance degree. The adjusted p-value is computed for the merged classs by using Bonferroni accommodation. Any class holding excessively few observations is merged with the most likewise other class as measured by the largest of the p-value. The adjusted p-value is computed for the merged classs by using Bonferroni accommodation.3.9.2. Splitting:The best split for each explanatory variable is found in the measure of unifying. The rending measure selects which predictor to be used to outdo split the node. Choice is accomplished by comparing the adjusted p-value associated with each forecaster. The adjusted p-value is obtained in the confluent measure. Choose the independent variable that has minimum adjusted p-value ( i.e. most important ) . If this adjusted p-value is less than or equal to a user-specified alpha-level, split the node utilizing this forecaster. Else, do non divide and the node is considered as a terminal node.3.9.3. Fillet:The stopping measure cheques if the tree turning procedure should be stopped harmonizing to the following fillet regulations. If a node becomes pure ; that is, all instances in a node have indistinguishable values of the dependant variable, the node will non be split. If all instances in a node have indistinguishable values for each forecaster, the node will non be split. If the current tree deepness reaches the user specified maximal tree deepness bound value, the tree turning procedure will halt. If the size of a node is less than the user-specified minimal node size value, the node will non be split. If the split of a node consequences in a kid node whose node size is less than the user-specified minimal kid node size value, child nodes that have excessively few instances ( as compared with this lower limit ) will unify with the most similar kid node as measured by the largest of the p-values. However, if the ensuing figure of child nodes is 1, the node will non be split.3.9.4 P-Value Calculation in CHAID:Calculations of ( unadjusted ) p-values in the above algorithms depend on the type of dependent variable. The confluent measure of CHAID sometimes needs the p-value for a brace of X classs, and sometimes needs the p-value for all the classs of X. When the p-value for a brace of X classs is needed, merely portion of informations in the current node is relevant. Let D denote the relevant information. Suppose in D, X has I classs and Y ( if Y is categorical ) has J classs. The p-value computation utilizing informations in D is given below. If the dependant variable Y is nominal categorical, the void hypothesis of independency of X and Y is tested. To execute the trial, a eventuality ( or count ) tabular array is formed utilizing categories of Y as columns and classs of the forecaster X as rows. The expected cell frequences under the void hypothesis are estimated. The ascertained and the expected cell frequences are used to cipher the Pearson chi-squared statistic or to cipher the likeliness ratio statistic. The p-value is computed based on either one of these two statistics. The Pearson ‘s Chi-square statistic and likeliness ratio statistic are, severally, Where is the ascertained cell frequence and is the estimated expected cell frequence, is the amount of ith row, is the amount of jth column and is the expansive sum. The corresponding p-value is given by for Pearson ‘s Chi-square trial or for likeliness ratio trial, where follows a chi-squared distribution with d.f. ( J-1 ) ( I-1 ) .3.9.5 Bonferroni Adjustments:The adjusted p-value is calculated as the p-value times a Bonferroni multiplier. The Bonferroni multiplier adjusts for multiple trials. Suppose that a forecaster variable originally has I classs, and it is reduced to r classs after the confluent stairss. The Bonferroni multiplier B is the figure of possible ways that I classs can be merged into R classs. For r=I, B=1. For use the undermentioned equation.3.10 QUEST Algorithm:QUEST is proposed by Loh and Shih ( 1997 ) as a Quick, Unbiased, Efficient, Statistical Tree. It is a tree-structured categorization algorithm that yields a binary determination tree. A comparing survey of QUEST and other algorithms was conducted by Lim et Al ( 2000 ) . The QUEST tree turning procedure consists of the choice of a split forecaster, choice of a split point for the selected forecaster, and halting. In QUEST algorithm, univariate splits are considered.3.10.1 Choice of a Split Forecaster:For each uninterrupted forecaster X, execute an ANOVA F trial that trials if all the different categories of the dependant variable Y have the same mean of X, and cipher the p-value harmonizing to the F statistics. For each categorical forecaster, execute a Pearson ‘s chi-square trial of Y and X ‘s independency, and cipher the p-value harmonizing to the chi-square statistics. Find the forecaster with the smallest p-value and denote it X* . If this smallest p-value is less than I ± / M, where I ± ( 0,1 ) is a degree of significance and M is the entire figure of forecaster variables, forecaster X* is selected as the split forecaster for the node. If non, travel to 4. For each uninterrupted forecaster X, compute a Levene ‘s F statistic based on the absolute divergence of Ten from its category mean to prove if the discrepancies of X for different categories of Y are the same, and cipher the p-value for the trial. Find the forecaster with the smallest p-value and denote it as X** . If this smallest p-value is less than I ±/ ( M + M1 ) , where M1 is the figure of uninterrupted forecasters, X** is selected as the split forecaster for the node. Otherwise, this node is non split. Pearson ‘s Chi-Square Trial:Suppose, for node T, there are Classs of dependent variable Yttrium. The Pearson ‘s Chi-Square statistic for a categorical forecaster Ten with classs is given by3.10.2 Choice of the Split Point:At a node, suppose that a forecaster variable Ten has been selected for dividing. The following measure is to make up one's mind the split point. If X is a uninterrupted forecaster variable, a split point vitamin D in the split Xa†°Ã‚ ¤d is to be determined. If X is a nominal categorical forecaster variable, a subset K of the set of all values taken by X in the split XK is to be determined. The algorithm is as follows. If the selected forecaster variable Ten is nominal and with more than two classs ( if X is binary, the split point is clear ) , QUEST foremost transforms it into a uninterrupted variable ( name it I? ) by delegating the largest discriminant co-ordinates to classs of the forecaster. QUEST so applies the split point choice algorithm for uninterrupted forecaster on I? to find the split point. Transformation of a Categorical Predictor into a Continuous Forecaster:Let X be a nominal categorical forecaster taking values in the set Transform X into a uninterrupted variable such that the ratio of between-class to within-class amount of squares of is maximized ( the categories here refer to the categories of dependent variable ) . The inside informations are as follows. Transform each value ten of X into an I dimensional silent person vector, where Calculate the overall and category J mean of V. where N is a specific instance in the whole sample, frequence weight associated with instance N, is the entire figure of instances and is the entire figure of instances in category J. Calculate the undermentioned IA-I matrices. Perform individual value decomposition on T to obtain where Q is an IA-I extraneous matrix, such that Let where if 0 otherwise. Perform individual value decomposition on to obtain its eigenvector which is associated with its largest characteristic root of a square matrix. The largest discriminant co-ordinate of V is the projection3.10.3 Fillet:The stopping measure cheques if the tree turning procedure should be stopped harmonizing to the following fillet regulations. If a node becomes pure ; that is, all instances belong to the same dependant variable category at the node, the node will non be split. If all instances in a node have indistinguishable values for each forecaster, the node will non be split. If the current tree deepness reaches the user-specified maximal tree deepness bound value, the tree turning procedure will halt. If the size of a node is less than the user-specified minimal node size value, the node will non be split. If the split of a node consequences in a kid node whose node size is less than the user-specified minimal kid node size value, the node will non be split.3.11 CART Algorithm:Categorization and Regression Tree ( C & A ; RT ) or ( CART ) is given by Breiman et Al ( 1984 ) . CART is a binary determination tree that is constructed by dividing a node into two kid nodes repeatedly, get downing with the root node that contains the whole acquisition sample. The procedure of ciphering categorization and arrested development trees can be involved four basic stairss: Specification of Criteria for Predictive Accuracy Split Selection Stoping Right Size of the Tree A3.11.1 Specification of Criteria for Predictive Accuracy:The categorization and arrested development trees ( C & A ; RT ) algorithms are normally aimed at accomplishing the greatest possible prognostic truth. The anticipation with the least cost is defined as most precise anticipation. The construct of costs was developed to generalise, to a wider scope of anticipation state of affairss, the idea that the best anticipation has the minimal misclassification rate. In the bulk of applications, the cost is measured in the signifier of proportion of misclassified instances, or discrepancy. In this context, it follows, hence, that a anticipation would be considered best if it has the lowest misclassification rate or the smallest discrepancy. The demand of minimising costs arises when some of the anticipations that fail are more catastrophic than others, or the failed anticipations occur more frequently than others. Priors:In the instance of a qualitative res ponse ( categorization job ) , costs are minimized in order to minimise the proportion of misclassification when priors are relative to the size of the category and when for every category costs of misclassification are taken to be equal. The anterior chances those are used in minimising the costs of misclassification can greatly act upon the categorization of objects. Therefore, attention has to be taken for utilizing the priors. Harmonizing to general construct, to set the weight of misclassification for each class the comparative size of the priors should be used. However, no priors are required when one is constructing a arrested development tree. Misclassification Costss:Sometimes more accurate categorization of the response is required for a few categories than others for grounds non related to the comparative category sizes. If the decisive factor for prognostic truth is Misclassification costs, so minimising costs would amount to minimising the proportion of misclassification at the clip priors are taken relative to the size of categories and costs of misclassification are taken to be the same for every category. A3.11.2 Split Choice:The following cardinal measure in categorization and arrested develop ment trees ( CART ) is the choice of splits on the footing of explanatory variables, used to foretell rank in instance of the categorical response variables, or for the anticipation uninterrupted response variable. In general footings, the plan will happen at each node the split that will bring forth the greatest betterment in prognostic truth. This is normally measured with some type of node dross step, which gives an indicant of the homogeneousness of instances in the terminal nodes. If every instance in each terminal node illustrate equal values, so node dross is smallest, homogeneousness is maximum, and anticipation is ideal ( at least for the instances those were used in the computations ; prognostic cogency for new instances is of class a different affair ) . In simple words it can be said that Necessitate a step of dross of a node to assist make up one's mind on how to divide a node, or which node to divide The step should be at a upper limit when a node is every bit divided amongst all categories The dross should be zero if the node is all one category3.11.2.1 Measures of Impurity:There are many steps of dross but following are the good known steps. Misclassification Rate Information, or Information Gini Index In pattern the misclassification rate is non used because state of affairss can happen where no split improves the misclassification rate and besides the misclassification rate can be equal when one option is clearly better for the following measure. Measure of Impurity of a Node:Achieves its upper limit at ( , ,aˆÂ ¦ , ) = ( , ,aˆÂ ¦ , ) Achieves its lower limit ( normally zero ) when one = 1, for some I, and the remainder are zero. ( pure node ) Symmetrical map of ( , ,aˆÂ ¦ , )Gini index:I ( T ) = = 1 –Information: To Make a Split at a Node:See each variable, ,aˆÂ ¦ , Find the split for that gives the greatest decrease in Gini index for dross i.e. maximise ( 1 – ) – make this for j=1,2, aˆÂ ¦ , P Use the variables that gives the best split, If cost of misclassification are unequal, CART chooses a split to obtain the biggest decrease in I ( T ) = C ( one | J ) = [ C ( one | J ) + C ( j | I ) ] priors can be incorporated into the costs )3.11.3 Fillet:In chief, splitting could go on until all instances are absolutely classified or predicted. However, this would n't do much sense since one would probably stop up with a tree construction that is as complex and â€Å" boring † as the original informations file ( with many nodes perchance incorporating individual observations ) , and that would most likely non be really utile or accurate for foretelling new observations. What is required is some sensible fillet regulation. Two methods can be used to maintain a cheque on the splitting procedure ; viz. Minimum N and Fraction of objects. Minimal N:To make up one's mind about the fillet of the splits, splitting is permitted to go on until all the terminal nodes are pure or they are more than a specified figure of objects in the terminal node. Fraction of Objects:Another manner to make up one's mind about the fillet of the spli ts, splitting is permitted to go on until all the terminal nodes are pure or there are a specified smallest fraction of the size of one ore more classs in the response variable. For categorization jobs, if the priors are tantamount and category sizes are same as good, so we will halt splitting when all terminal nodes those have more than one class, have no more instances than the defined fraction of the size of class for one or more classs. On the other manus, if the priors which are used in the analysis are non equal, one would halt splitting when all terminal nodes for which two or more categories have no more instances than defined fraction for one or more categories ( Loh and Vanichestakul, 1988 ) .3.11.4 Right Size of the Tree:The majority of a tree in the C & A ; RT ( categorization and arrested development trees ) analysis is an of import affair, since an unreasonably big tree makes the reading of consequences more complicated. Some generalisations can be presented about what constitutes the accurate size of the tree. It should be adequately complex to depict for the acknowledged facts, but it should be every bit easy as possible. It should use inform ation that increases prognostic truth and pay no attending to information that does non. It should demo the manner to the larger apprehension of the phenomena. One attack is to turn the tree up to the right size, where the size is specify by the user, based on the information from anterior research, analytical information from earlier analyses, or even perceptual experience. The other attack is to utilize a set of well-known, structured processs introduced by Breiman et Al. ( 1984 ) for the choice of right size of the tree. These processs are non perfect, as Breiman et Al. ( 1984 ) thirstily acknowledge, but at least they take subjective sentiment out of the procedure to choose the right-sized tree. A There are some methods to halt the splitting. Test Sample Cross-Validation:The most preferable sort of cross-validation is the trial sample cross-validation. In this kind of cross-validation, the tree is constructed from the larning sample, and trial sample is used to look into the prognostic truth of this tree. If test sample costs go beyond the costs for the acquisition sample, so this is an indicant of hapless cross-validation. In this instance, some other sized tree may cross-validate healthier. The trial samples and larning samples can be made by taking two independent informations sets, if a larger learning sample is gettable, by reserving a randomly chosen proportion ( say one 3rd or one half ) of the instances for utilizing as the trial sample. A Split the N units in the preparation sample into V- groups of â€Å" equal † size. ( V=10 ) Construct a big tree and prune for each set of V-1 groups. Suppose group V is held out and a big tree is built from the combined informations in the other V-1 groups. Find the â€Å" best † subtree for sorting the instances in group V. Run each instance in group V down the tree and calculate the figure that are misclassified. R ( T ) = R ( T ) + Number of nodes in tree T Complexity parametric quantity Number misclassified With tree T Find the â€Å" weakest † node and snip off all subdivisions formed by dividing at that node. ( examine each non terminal node ) I ) Check each brace of terminal nodes and prune if 13S 3 F Number misclassified at node T = 3 7 S 3 F 6 S 0 F=0 = 3 13S 3 F so do a terminal node. two ) Find the following â€Å" weakest † node. For the t-th node compute R ( T ) = R ( T ) + Number of nodes at or below node T Number misclassified If all subdivisions from node T are kept R ( T ) = = R ( T ) should snip if R ( T ) R ( T ) this occurs when at each non terminal node compute the smallest value of such that the node with the smallest such is the weakest node and all subdivisions below it should be pruned off. It so becomes a terminal node. Produce a sequence of trees this is done individually for V= 1,2, aˆÂ ¦ , V. V-fold Cross-Validation:The 2nd type of cross-validation is V-fold cross-validation. This type of cross-validation is valuable when trial sample is non available and the acquisition sample is really little that test sample can non be taken from it. The figure of random bomber samples are determined by the user specified value ( called ‘v ‘ value ) for V-fold cross proof. These sub samples are made from the acquisition samples and they should be about equal in size. A tree of the specified size is calculated ‘v ‘ A times, each clip go forthing out one of the bomber samples from the calculations, and utilizing that sub sample as a trial sample for cross-validation, with the purpose that each bomber sample is considered ( 5 – 1 ) times within the learning sample and merely one time as the trial sample. The cross proof costs, calculated for all ‘v ‘ trial samples, are averaged to show the v-fold estimation of the cross proof costs.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Methods and Design Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Methods and Design Paper - Essay Example In particular, continuing from the relationships identified earlier in respect to the proposed research in measuring service quality dimensions; this paper identifies the methods and design structures that could be most fruitfully deployed in bringing about the clarity in relationships between various constructs and variables so as to meet the research intent. The target object of the proposed research is to evaluate service quality performance versus customer expectations of the same. The earlier paper on relationships had identified the primary constructs as: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles, and business success in relation to services' quality. It is posited here that answers to the proposed research questions, will enable special event firms to ascertain if there is a positive relationship between their business successes and the service quality they proffer. This analysis can also help identify the negative gaps in service quality from expected levels as well as determine as to which SERVQUAL dimensions are critical in determining the level of success this type of company will experience in the marketplace. However prior to that it is important that it is examined how similar constructs have been examined in comparable research on service quality. ... The results of the study are used to strategize as to what communication action may increase awareness and loyalty in existing and potential buyers. This also lays bare the key attributes clients use as a measure of quality and satisfaction when consuming professional services. Botschen et al (1996) have used a very interesting technique for identifying the problems which the consumers might encounter in service encounters. The technique is called Sequence-oriented problem identification (SOPI).SOPI involves blue printing the sequence of steps that make up a service encounter, and asking customers to provide evaluations for each step they may experience in the service encounter process. In part, SOPI is a strategic tool that combines and extends blueprinting of services with the critical incident technique. The SOPI technique is illustrated with comparisons of findings from the research method with findings from the critical incident method in an empirical study of customers' evaluat ions of the augmented and core services in adult education courses of an Austrian enterprise. The SOPI results provide very specific information about problems experienced by customers that was not included in the critical incident method. Nick &Tyas (1997) had done interesting research in probing service quality perceptions of consumers. They maintain that definite noteworthy events encourse service dispensations are events in real space but affect service perceptions randomly. Whereas generalized views about service establishment are exaggerated views of the reality expressed in general terms by a group of individuals. They believe that both noteworthy events

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Man of the House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Man of the House - Essay Example They will act as the fathers of these children and become a "househusband". Essentially, they will accomplish different household chores that a normal father would do, plus doing the laundry, cooking for the kids and other tasks that the children's mothers will assign them. The guys will not be allowed to talk with their girlfriends during that span of time, but the children's mothers will report how their boyfriends fared. The guy who will perform best will win, and the prize will be the couple's dream wedding. The show has a great potential because it is a reality show that will maintain redeeming values. Not only that it promotes values, just think about all the possibilities about how the groom-to-be's will fare as fathers to some children. Definitely there will be comical incidents that will spontaneously happen in between. The show will also feature a romantic side, as audience will behold the guys completing these challenges just to offer their fiances the wedding of their dreams. With guys acting as the "Man of the House", the show emulates a family-oriented scenario that is apt to be viewed by people of all ages. Unlike other reality shows which feature adult topics, this show will cater to much wider audience share. It is a show that deals with guys getting the real picture of how to become a "perfect" father to his children. In

Labour Dispute (identify Top 5 major issues between faculty and Essay

Labour Dispute (identify Top 5 major issues between faculty and university at St.FX university) - Essay Example Francis Xavier University. In the year 2012, a conflict was observed to take place between the StFX Association of University teachers and the StFX Administration board. In order to satisfy their demands, the teachers were further identified to call for a strike which further disrupted the entire education process of the university (McEvoy, 2012). Based on this understanding, the paper intends to identify the five major issues raised during the dispute among the faculties and the administration of StFX University. With reference to the news article written by Sean McEvoy with the title â€Å"StFX Professors O.K. Strike Option†, certain issues can be identified in the rudiments of the dispute between the faculty members of the university and the administration board. Among the various issues, inappropriate remuneration package, inadequate medical amenities, lack of job security along with financial problems can be identified as the four most significant problems caused through the dispute. Above all, the most significant issue that was identified with reference to this dispute was the lack of cooperation and coordination within the workforce and the administration board of the University. From an overall perspective, it can be observed that the faculty members of the university were not satisfied with the return they were able to avail through their employment in StFX University owing to the aforementioned issues which required greater consideration from the administration (McEvoy, 2012 ). By calling for a strike and disrupting the entire education process within the University, the faculty members wanted to ensure a comparative pay structure which shall be sufficient to satisfy their personal needs and assist StFX to obtain a competitive position in comparison to its sister institutions. According to McEvoy (2012), the issue concerning the weak pay structures was further observed to be informed to the administration in various instances. However, as no

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business system analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business system analysis - Essay Example ructure is created to visually demonstrate the clients what their needs can seem similar to when they are applied into a completed system (Sommerville, 2009). Evolutionary prototyping method is a software development lifecycle model in which software prototype developed for illustration and requirements explanation. There are four main phases in Evolutionary prototyping model: (SoftDevTeam) Evolutionary Prototyping is also recognized as breadboard prototyping. Evolutionary Prototyping is moderately dissimilar from Throwaway Prototyping. The major objective to utilize Evolutionary Prototyping is to develop an extremely strong prototype in a prearranged way and continuously process it. The cause intended for this is that the Evolutionary prototype, at what time developed, shapes the compassion of the novel system, as well as the developments and additional requirements will be developed (Hanna Kulas, 2009). A class diagram graphically demonstrates classes and subclasses in a system(Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat). A class diagram is a diagram that demonstrates the associations as well as source code dependability amongst classes in the UML or Unified Modeling Language (Ambler, 2009). A class outlines the techniques and variables in an object that is a precise body in a plan or the component of code instead of that entity. The Class diagrams are practical in the entire shapes of OOP or object-oriented programming. The idea is a number of years mature on the other hand have been advanced like object-oriented programming modeling paradigms have developed (Searchsoa, 2009). Below is an example of Class diagram: A use case is a task that an actor who interacts with an information system can carry out(Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat). A Use case is intended to elucidate a series of events that offer something of quantifiable worth to an actor as well as is drawn like a horizontal ellipse (Ambler, UML 2 Use Case Diagrams, 2009). In software engineering, the utilization of a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How does each sculpture convey the idea of love which one do you Essay

How does each sculpture convey the idea of love which one do you believe conveys this idea more effectively Why - Essay Example Indiana’s sculpture is placed in the open space, whereas Rodin’s sculpture is displayed in the Musà ©e Rodin, which means Rodin Museum. The Kiss is one of Rodin’s greatest works. The sculptor is famed for other great works with the most popular being the Thinker. One of the key aspects of Rodin’s work is his focus on human behavior. For instance, the thinker represents an individual who is thinking deeply, whereas the Kiss represents a couple that is kissing. Rodin’s work, The Kiss, portrays one form of love, which is romance or spousal love (Elsen 78). However, it ignores all other forms of love, such as friendship, parental love and godly or spiritual love. The Kiss, however, is a sculpture that directly hints love to the audience. In fact, when people view the sculpture, they are more likely to think in the terms of love as opposed to that of sex. As such, the sculpture also represents love articulately. On the contrary, Indiana’s sculpture, Love, is rather different. For most people, the sculpture is just a collection of letters that form the word Love. As such, its representation of love can only be viewed in terms of its spelling. Regardless, the sculpture addresses a general form of love, which are placed on a street, in New York City. Arguably, the chanting of the letter O is used as a strategy to account for the negative space that would be left had the sculptor placed it in the original space. Although the sculpture is a representative of a general love, it lacks the physical representation. The Kiss represents a form of love, or just a basic concept of love, as previously described. However, the sculpture is so well shaped, almost perfect in texture, depicting genuine in love. Regardless, the sculpture hints love at the sight of it. Limiting the concept of love to a mere marital standing point is one of the major flaws made by the author. On the contrary, Indiana’s vague representation of love conveys the idea of love better. Its

Monday, September 23, 2019

Research Question, Literature Review and Sample Essay

Research Question, Literature Review and Sample - Essay Example has been a number of reports and incidents that have been filed in the past where elders have been victims of crime and which have moved on to create a fear within them. The paper will provide a detailed literature review of the topic and will include statistical data and information that is available that pertain this topic. The literature review that has been discussed is a combination of the literature and theories that have been presented in the past along with the recent statistics that are available on the topic. This will be followed by the research questions and research hypothesis which form an essential part of the research. With age come a number of issues like the physical vulnerability and also lowered income which in turn leads to a high level of fear of crime. Various researches have been conducted in the past however no single definition has been developed for ‘fear of crime’. There have been a number of debates on the best and most effective way to measure crime. Elchardus, De Groof and Smits (2003), argue that although not much literature is available in terms of the fear of crime, however there are two main patterns that have been followed. These include, a rationalistic view and the other is a symbolic view. Donder, explain, â€Å"The rationalistic paradigm interprets fear as a consequence of risk and vulnerability with regard to crime and victimization. The symbolic paradigm interprets fear of crime as a consequence of more general feelings of vulnerability and dissatisfaction that become feelings of being threatened of crime and victimization† (Donder, Verte, & Mess elis, 2005). Over the years authors like Baumer and Skogan and Maxfield have divided the factors into three main fields. These include: It is evident that the above factors play a major role on the fear of crimes and leads to a number of issues among people across the world. The next sub section will deal with the relationship of elders and fear of crime. A number of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Therapeutic Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest Essay Example for Free

Therapeutic Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest Essay Cardiac arrest is considered as the prime cause of sudden deaths in the modern world, claiming tens of thousands of lives globally each year (   It has been determined that survival rates after cardiac arrest are very low, due to consequent ventricular fibrillation that immediately results in zero cardiac output and death within a few minutes (   During cardiac arrest, oxygen flow in the brain in significantly affected and brain damage may possibly occur if no emergency treatment is given as soon as possible. Emergency treatment of cardiac arrest generally involves manual artificial breathing to facilitate oxygen circulation to the brain, as well as chemical and electrical induction of the heart to reinstate its normal beating.   Such emergency procedures mainly aim to provide a way to reoxygenate the brain and to save it from further irreversible damage.   Consequently, reoxygenation also generates free radicals that are responsible in creating a post-resuscitation syndrome, which is characterized by necrosis of different tissues of the patient. The observation that tissues survive at particular hypothermic settings has been evaluated as a promising emergency treatment for cardiac arrest (   Hypothermia involves subjecting the body of an individual in a temperature that is below the normal physiologic temperature.   The effect of hypothermia in protecting the brain from severe and irreversible damage during the non-oxygenated state of cardiac arrest is currently being evaluated, after successful results in dog models.   Several investigations have been conducted on the direct and immediate positive effect of hypothermia in cardiac arrest patients.    A prospective clinical trial involving the use mild resuscitative cerebral hypothermia in 27 cardiac arrest patients for at least 24 hours showed that hypothermia treatment is reliable and safe (Zeiner et al., 2000).   The procedure involved cooling of the entire body, including the head, resulting in a lowering of body temperature within 62 minutes after commencement of hypothermia treatment. It is interesting to note that no further complications associated with the cardiac arrest were observed after the application of hypothermia treatment.   In a separate investigation, 55% of cardiac arrest patients treated with hypothermia was observed to show positive responses to the treatment, as well as a decrease in the mortality rate 6 months after hypothermia treatment, suggesting that hypothermia treatment favors the prevents deleterious brain damage and death among cardiac arrest patients (HACASG, 2002). However, there are also certain issues with regards to the application of hypothermia in cardiac arrest patients that remains unclear and doubtful.   One of these includes the inclusion and exclusion criteria that will determine whether a particular patient will benefit from such treatment (Skowronski, 2005).   This comment is mainly based on the need for personalized treatment of patients because of the recent observation of inter-individual variations in the response to specific treatments. Such observation explains subtle yet significant differences that should be addressed during medication, diagnosis and testing of patients for any type of illness.   With regards to cardiac arrest emergency treatments, it is of prime importance that a patient’s unique physiological, genetic, metabolic and cardiac profile be determined first before subjecting him to hypothermic conditions.   However, this profiling may also pose to be a hindrance during emergency treatment because the survival of the cardiac arrest patient mainly depends on the speed of administration of the treatment to the patient. Specific risks have already been identified to be associated with hypothermia treatment of cardiac arrest patients (   The exposure of the patient to cold temperatures at a prolonged duration may cause bleeding or hemorrhage in specific organs of the patients because the cold temperature slows down the blot clotting capability of the platelets.   In addition, a cardiac patient treated with hypothermia may suffer from infection because the immune system is also inhibited by prolonged cold temperatures. An alternative treatment that is parallel to hypothermia has been proposed to be as effective as hypothermia, and possibly much safer than the more radical hypothermic exposure of the cardiac patient to low temperature levels. The alternative treatment involves intravenous introduction of ice-cold fluid to the patient using automated cooling equipment (Bernard, 2005).   Such settings provide the healthcare personnel complete control over the temperature of the intravenous fluid, which plays a vital role in the emergency treatment of the cardiac arrest patients. Until sufficient clinical investigatory information has been collected from comprehensive and comparative studies on the risks and benefits of hypothermia treatment on cardiac arrest patients, it is imperative that healthcare personnel be cautious in administering such rapid and radical treatment to cardiac arrest patients. There have been active requests from the medical research field that such investigations will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms and pathophysiological routes that are involved in the exposure of the body, most specifically the brain and the rest of the central nervous system, to cold temperature during those critical non-oxygenated states (Bernard, 2004). References Bernard (2004):   Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest: Hypothermia is now standard care for some types of cardiac arrest.   Med. J. Austral.  Ã‚   181(9):468-469. Bernard SA (2005):   Hypothermia improves outcome from cardiac arrest.   Crit. Care Resusc.   7:325-327. Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest Study Group (HACASG) (2002):   Mild therapeutic hypothermia to improve the neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest.   N. Engl. J. Med.   346(8):549-556. Skowronski GA (2005):   Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest- Not so fast.   Crit. Care Resusc.   7:322-324. Zeiner A, Holzer M, Sterz F, Behringer W, Scho ¨rkhuber W, Mu ¨llner M, Frass M, Siostrzonek P, Ratheiser K, Kaff A and Laggner AN (2000):   Mild resuscitative hypothermia to improve neurological outcome after cardiac arrest: A clinical feasibility trial.   Stroke   31:86-94.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Nation Master- EncyclopediaVentricular fibrillation   Ã‚  Ã‚   Mortality Statistics Cardiac arrest by country   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Therapeutic Hypothermia

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Socrates And Aristotle On Virtues

Socrates And Aristotle On Virtues Socrates and Aristotle are both ancient philosophers. In their work they both taught on the idea of ethics and virtues. They believed in virtues but their understanding of what is means to be virtuous were different (Lutz, 1998). This is why their teaching on virtue as well as their lives and decisions contradicted. This paper is a critical comparison between Aristotles account of virtue and Socrates account of virtue. The similarity that exists in these teachings is that they believed in existence of virtues and taught their students on what is means to be virtuous only from their different understanding. The two philosophers believed in individuals possessing intellectual virtues. The common thread on the teachings of the two was the fact that people possessed certain virtues (Lutz, 1998). The virtues represent the most significant qualities for a person to possess. The two philosophers taught that having virtues was advantageous. Nevertheless, there are various differences on the way each understood and approached the subject. The differences in the accounts of virtues by the two philosophers are not only revealed in their teachings but also their way of life. Both Aristotle and Socrates were charged with impiety, but their differing understanding of what is virtuous and right led them to different actions. When Socrates was convicted to death, he accepted it and allowed himself to be executed. When he was offered to pay a fine for his crime he refused. He also refused to honour the pleas of Plato and his other students to run away in a boat they had ready for that purpose. Socrates is known to be a man who lived what he preached (Sherman, 1997). He refused to break the law even in the face of death and wanted to set a good example to his students. In a way through his act, he answered some of the questions he had posed to his students on virtue and courage. His actions also lived up to the fact that he advocated for friendship and true sense of commonality. This is what led Socrates to willingly accept hi s death sentence when most people thought he would flee. Socrates believed that running away from the authority amounted to going against his communitys will. As a pursuit of personal happiness, Aristotle on the other hand refused to accept his charges and fled. This is because Aristotles thinking was based on individual happiness and pleasure (Sherman, 1989). Unlike Socrates, when Aristotle was charged with impiety, he took the easy way out. He ran away rather than stay to face the charges. This tells us a lot about Aristotle. This is also evident in his argument that the final goal of human beings is happiness. He argued that living a virtuous life is something pleasurable. In his argument, the virtuous man takes pleasure in living a virtuous life. In his argument, it seems like devoid of virtues, a person cannot achieve happiness. It is like virtue is the linking aspect to happiness. This is in contrast with the theory of Socrates who argues that the best way of life is focusing on self-development instead of pursuing material things (Lutz, 1998). In his teachings, Socrates never revealed answers, nor did he reveal the truth. Socrates never taught the truth but taught his students how to find the truth by themselves. He just taught his students to discover. Socrates knew that no person could answer the questions concerning courage, virtue and duty to his satisfaction. People just claimed to be virtuous and courageous without really knowing what this meant (Sherman, 1989). On the part of Aristotle, being virtuous was a thing that people could not only understand but also achieve. Aristotle disagrees with Socrates in arguing that ethics is primarily about virtues. Socrates also argues that a person can have virtues without necessarily having the kind of knowledge that typifies mathematics of nature science. Aristotle is capable of demonstrating that ethics and personal interest may be related, that ethics is well-suited to common sense, and that a virtuous person is capable of achieving rational decisions. Aristotle also made a distinction between two kinds of virtues; ethical and intellectual. Ethical virtues come about through habitual actions. He argued that people are born with the capacity to live a virtuous life. He also argues that education is essential in establishing human capability to make virtuous acts habitual. Aristotle believed that people have to act virtuously as much as they can and by doing so they make a step in becoming virtuous. He also believes that ethical virtues need to be attended with pleasure. He believed that human beings cannot be exposed to pain when they are acting virtuously. If a person is exposed to pain as a result of an action, then he cannot be considered virtuous (Sherman, 1989). Unlike Socrates who believed in doing what is right, Aristotle believed that too much and too little are always wrong. He argued that virtuous acts are always midway states between the contrasting vices of excess and deficiency. This is unlike the idea of Socrates where there was no compromise or flexibility in being good. Aristotles theory of virtues allows for flexibility. Socrates stresses that virtue was the most important possession and that life must be lived in pursuit of good (Sherman, 1997). While both of the philosophers believed in the benefit of having virtues, it is Socrates who stresses more than Aristotle the importance of the virtues. In his Socrates view there is no go between; people had to be good. In Socrates theory the idea of happiness and pleasure brings in an aspect of compromise. Between the two philosophers, it is Socrates who forms the best example of living a virtuous life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Braden Scale :: The Braden Scale

The Braden Scale is a clinically valued tool that is used to predict pressure ulcers. The scale is broken down into six sub-scales; these subscales determine the risk factors associated with skin break down. Multiple aspects of a patients condition are examined, (sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, friction and shear), to limit the patients susceptibility for skin break down. Since pressure ulcers are a financial burden and a cause for patient discomfort and possible infection, predicting and assessing risk has enormous benefit and significance. This study was conducted to determine the validity of the mobility subscale of the Braden scale. The subscale of mobility is defined as the patients ability to change and control body positions. The research was conducted in a veteran hospital, and participants ranged in age from 45-95 years. The tools that were used were the Braden scale and actigraphy which measures movement. It was placed on the patient’s non-dominant ankle in order to observe the larger movements of the patient. The researcher defined each score in relation to movement. They hypothesized that the increase in movement would cause an increase in score of the mobility subscale. As predicted, the mobility subscale scores increased as movement increased. A similar study to predict risk of ulcers in pediatric patients was conducted to test the validity of using the Braden Q scale. A modified version of the Braden Scale, only containing three subscales, was used to utilize a shorter comparable tool. The Braden Q Scale is a revision of the Braden scale that is applicable in pediatrics. The two tools that were used were: the Braden Q Scale and skin assessments. The sample study consisted of 322 patients who were on bed rest for at least 24 hours. The patients were observed three times per week, for two weeks, and then weekly until discharge, which totaled 887 individual assessments. It was determined that both the Braden Q, as well as the modified Braden Scale was adequate tools to measure skin breakdown. Both studies modified the original Braden Scale to test the validity of their modifications. The first study was based solely on the mobility scale of the Braden scale, while the second study used three of the original sub-scales to prove comparable results to the overall scale. Both studies were designed to simplify the Braden scale in order to determine the effectiveness of the subscales alone.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

High School Exit Exams :: Argumentative Persuasive Education Essays

High School Exit Exams Exit Exams are an unfair way of determining whether a student should or should not receive his or her diploma. Most students work very hard throughout high school to receive good grades. This should be enough to determine whether a student should pass high school. There are many intelligent students which do not have good test taking skills, exit exams keep many good students from graduating and teachers have to narrow their lesson plans for these types of exit exams. These are all good reasons why exit exams should not be required in graduating from high school. When it comes to test taking, some students do not know how to remain calm. Many times when students fail a test it was not because they did not understand the material on the test, it is because students do not contain good test taking skills. Taking a test can be very nerve wrecking and uncomfortable. A student from Paris (texas) High School said, "some people get testaphobia, I passed my math classes with flying colors, but I get to that TAAS test and my mind's like a blank, I have no idea why." (Kunen 62). TExas is one of the 22 states that requires a high school exit exam like the TAAS test. Every year many students are kept from graduating high school because of these exit exams. This makes students and parents very angry. Students who have had high passing grades throughout high school do not understand why they cannot pass exit exams. Sometimes the student blames him or herself by thinking that he or she did not learn enough, when in fact there is nothing wrong without heir knowledge. These students do not realize that they lack good test taking skills. Parents are angry that their child was kept from graduating because of a single test, even though the child had all the he credits required. This situation occurred to Lee Hicks, another student from Paris (texas) High School. Had he lived 14 miles away in Oklahoma, which has no statewide exit test, he'd have received a diploma and would now be serving his country in the Navy. Instead Hicks severs customers in a Paris supermarket; he won management's Aggressive Hospitality Award for 1996. "He's a great employ ee, a bright young man--extremely hardworking," says store director, Larry Legg.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Drama vs. History in Shakespeares Henry V Essay -- Henry IV Henry V E

Drama vs. History in Shakespeare's Henry V      Ã‚  Ã‚   It is not necessary to have authored seven historical dramas, as Shakespeare had when he set to work on Henry V, to conclude that history is frequently not very dramatic. Chronicles of the past have the subjectivity and subtly of national anthems - they are about appropriating the truth, not approaching it. Noble causes and giant killing abound in these documents, often at the cost of fact and explanation. All this adds up to an account of the past in which the winners reign victorious before the battle even begins, while the losers' natural iniquity contributes as much to their defeat as enemy swords and soldiers. Readers in the present may wonder that their ancestors ever felt twinges of suspense as the events wore on, for according to historians, the outcome of these clashes was, as King Henry would say, "as gross/ As black on white" (2.2.104). It is as predictable, the Elizabethans might have said, as a bad play.    And yet there was suspense and anxiety in days gone by, as surely as political maneuvering in the present sows seeds of unrest. Shakespeare realized this and came to a startling conclusion - there is a gap between the events of the past and historical narrative. The proclivities of the historian become the very shape of history, cramming the past with mighty deeds and epic heroes. But this shape is warped, fashioned, as it is, in the likeness of famous men and dubious motives. Historians see the past as a straight and singular line; Shakespeare knew its course could neither have been quite so direct nor quite so simple. Henry V is his attempt to reinsert the complexities of the past into the straightforward narrative of history, to ... ...0. Becker, George J. Shakespeare's Histories. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1977. Bloom, Harold.   "Introduction."   Modern Critical Interpretations William Shakespeare's Henry V.   Ed. Bloom.   New York:   Chelsea House Publishers, 1988. 1-4. Brennan, Anthony. Henry V. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992. Granville-Barker, Harley.   "From Henry V to Hamlet."   Studies In Shakespeare.   Ed. Alexander.   London:   Oxford University Press, 1964. Rabkin, Norman.   "Either/Or:   Responding to Henry V."   Modern Critical Interpretations William Shakespeare's Henry V.   Ed. Bloom.   New York:   Chelsea House Publishers, 1988.   35-59. Shakespeare, William. Henry V. Ed. A. R. Humphreys, New York: Penguin Books, 1996. Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Ed. John Dover Wilson. London: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Notes of the state of virginia

Text 8 essay: Notes of the state of Virginia Thomas Jefferson University of Chicago press, 1784 When is no education ever good? There is less corruption in the U. S because of Lower levels of education which are often caused by poverty are seen as a factor which encourages corrupt government practices. With less amounts of education people are not informed as to how the government works or what rights they have under the government.It is easier for corrupt office-holders to conceal corrupt activities from a poorly educated public. Uneducated citizens are less likely to be aware of corruption in local governments or how to stop it, and therefore, corruption is able to remain and spread. Without some kind of political awareness, citizens will not know which candidates to elect that are honest or dishonest or other ways to prevent corruption from taking place in their local governments.This often leads municipalities to be continually governed by one or more corrupt local officials who use patronage or nepotistic practices to stay in office or keep influence in the government for long periods of time. When local political leaders are less educated, they will be less likely to find legitimate ways to make the municipality well-structured, productive, and successful. In his Notes, Jefferson recounted many of the policies he had initiated while at work in the Virginia Assembly during the late 1770s.Jefferson was vociferous in his claim for the primacy of agrarian interests against infringing manufacturing developments. To this end, he argued that whereas the farmer was truly healthy, all other occupations were at heart unsound. go to school anymore. Also in the notes it say This bill proposes to lay off every county into small districts of five or six miles square, called hundreds, and in each of them to establish a school for teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic.The tutor to be supported by the hundred, and every person in it entitled to send their children thr ee years gratis, and as much longer as they please, paying for it. These schools to be under a visitor, who is annually to chuse the boy, of best genius in the school, of those whose parents are too poor to give them further education, and to send him forward to one of the grammar schools, f which twenty are proposed to be erected in different parts of the country, for teaching Greek, Latin, geography, and the higher branches of numerical arithmetic.Of the boys thus sent in any one year, trial is to be made at the grammar schools one or two years, and the best genius of the whole selected, and continued six years, and the residue dismissed. By this means twenty of the best geniusses will be raked from the rubbish annually, and be instructed, at the public expence, so far as the grammar schools go.At the end of six years instruction, one half are to be discontinued (from mong whom the grammar schools will probably be supplied with future masters); and the other half, who are to be ch osen for the superiority of their parts and disposition, are to be sent and continued three years in the study ot such sciences as they shall chuse† I think they should choose more than one leaving it unfair for everyone else. The quote above mean that after they pick one child out of every district the rest of the children's education is discarded and the chosen ones go to a nicer school and get a nicer education and

Monday, September 16, 2019

Soc 402 Outline for Final

Substance Abuse in the Workplace Contemporary Social Problems and the Workplace SOC402 Instructor: Douglas Nelson October 4, 2012 Substance Abuse in the Workplace Substance abuse is a growing problem in the workplace. â€Å"Substance abuse is the repeated use of alcohol or drugs to the point that users develop personal problems and distress related to use. † (Giraffe, 2011) I am going to discuss the major problems with substance abuse and outline some mind-boggling statistics.Furthermore, I will relate substance abuse to a work environment I have been associated with and express the chaos I have witnessed from co-workers abusing illegal substances and over-using alcohol. I am going to analyze ways this problem can be possibly solved or at least prevented to a certain degree. If substance abuse is prevented, I have determined several social and economic benefits that may occur. I. The major problem with substance abuse 1.Substance abuse in the workplace is extremely dangerous; the one abusing the substance increases not only their chances, but also increases the likeliness of their co-workers of injuries or possibly death depending on the situation. a. â€Å"Alcohol and drug abuse on the job is a serious issue for employers because it may cause lost productivity or dangerous conditions from mistakes, reduced efficiency, and increased absenteeism. † (Giraffe, 2011) b. â€Å"Alcohol use, although legal, also significantly contributes to workplace substance abuse problems. (Giraffe, 2011) II. Substance abuse related to my work environment 1. I have had co-workers come into work hung-over and possibly still drunk, I have seen them hide in the bathroom and sleep for several hours. a. â€Å"Furthermore, substance abusers are not only less productive, but they also use three times the number of sick days and file five times the number of workers' compensation claims as nonabusers† (U. S. Department of Labor, 1999). b. â€Å"Substance abuse also l eads to injuries† (Giraffe, 2011) III. Ways this problem can be decreased 1.Although the problem is abundant in the work-center, there are possibly solutions to minimizing substance abusers at work. a. â€Å"In 2005, for example, an estimated 17 million people used illegal drugs and nearly 75% of them were employed† (U. S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2011) b. â€Å"The Department of Health and Human Services study reported that almost 9% of full-time workers reported heavy alcohol use within the past month. The vast majority of those were between 18 and 25 years old† (Larson, Eyerman, Foster, ; Gfroerer, 2007). c. OSHA provides employers with recommendations for substance abuse prevention programs, including the drug-free workplace policy. † (Giraffe, 2011) d. â€Å"Training is an important component of a drug-free workplace to make sure supervisors understand how to enforce the policy without violating the law. Many companies offer empl oyee assistance programs (EAPs) as part of their benefits package. EAPs provide individual counseling services and are a resource for referral to rehabilitation programs, medical services, or other therapeutic services. † (Giraffe, 2011) e. This was followed by the Drug-Free Workplace Law of 1988, which has been amended several times to require federal contractors to actively promote a drug-free workplace and to have a substance abuse prevention policy in place† (Reagan, 1986). 2. Social benefits if prevented 1. The workplace will be a more socially accepted atmosphere is the problem was to be prevented. a. â€Å"According to a Department of Health and Human Services study, males are more likely than females to use illegal drugs, and employees with lower education levels are more likely to use drugs than those with college degrees† (Larson, Eyerman, Foster, ; Gfroerer, 2007). . Economic benefits if prevented 1. Companies will save a great deal of money if this pro blem were to be prevented. a. â€Å"can cause increases in health insurance costs† (Giraffe, 2011) b. â€Å"Estimates that the residual cost of substance abuse in the workplace is more than $80 billion in the United States. † (U. S. Department of Labor, 1999) Substance abuse in the workplace is a problem that has been around for years, and it has yet to slow-down, however, I noted several ways the problem can be prevented.I expressed why substance abuse is the extensive problem it is, and I related the problems I have seen inside my own work-center. If my solution to substance abuse in the work center is implemented, there will be many social and economic benefits. References Giraffe, V. (2011). Contemporary social problems and the workplace. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education,Inc. Retrieved from https://content. ashford. edu/books/AUSOC402. 11. 1 Larson, S. L. , Eyerman, J. , Foster, M. S. , ; Gfroerer, J. C. (2007, June). Worker substance use and workplace policies and programs (U.D. Services, Producer). Retrieved from http://www. oas. samhsa. gov/work2k7/work. htm#6. 1 Reagan, R. (1986, September 15). Executive Order 12564 Drug-Free Workplace. Retrieved from http://uscode. house. gov/download/pls/41C10. txt U. S. Department of Labor. (1999). How does substance abuse impact the workplace? Retrieved from http://www. dol. gov/elaws/asp/drugfree/benefits. htm U. S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (2011). Workplace substance abuse. Retrieved from http://www. osha. gov/SLTC/substanceabuse/index. html

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Big Ideas from Big Business (1921)

The author is listed as being Edward Earle Purinton. There are two instances which support a single author view such as on the first page where it reads, â€Å"I shall base the facts of this article on the personal tours and minute examinations I have recently made†¦ † (Purinton). Another reference to a single author status is when he states, â€Å"I am aware that some of the preceding statements will be challenged by many readers,† (Purinton). Though there may be some confusion to the single author idea when towards the end he writes, â€Å"We suggest a few†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Purinton). The referral is concerning fellow business savvy authors who would have the expertise in giving the novice an idea of which founders of big business to study. 2. This source and type of this document would have to be a newspaper editorial describing all of the benefits of big businesses. The author actually calls this work an article towards the beginning. This document could be viewe d as a persuasive essay piece, supporting those who are in, or founded a big business. 3.The message of this work implies that there is nothing better going for the human race than big business, to the point of the author beginning by stating, â€Å"Thru business†¦ the human race is finally to be redeemed,† (Purinton). The author goes through a list describing the virtues of big business, relating it to finest game, science, art, education, opportunity, philanthropy, and religion. The basic story is that these are his â€Å"conclusions† on how these ideas relate to big business and what it has to offer. 4.The intended audience of this article would be the common reader from the public. Although he infers that the reader has some sort of idea of business when he addresses the reader with â€Å"You may not agree†¦ because you judge business by the†¦ imitation of business that happens to be around you,† (Purinton). He also assumes his readers as educ ated when he says, â€Å"I am aware that some of the preceding statements will be challenged by many readers,† (Purinton). Again, this reiterates the idea of this piece being a type of editorial article in a public newspaper.5. This source was created to advocate and support big business and it's founder families. Also, it encourages the reader to learn more about big business. The author mentions at the end that manual workers, or labors, would â€Å"think and feel in unison with themselves,† by realizing all the benefits that big business has to offer, and persuading the reader to get to know big business by stating, â€Å"All enmity is between strangers. Those who really know each other cannot fight,† (Purinton). 6.The author states that, â€Å"I shall base the facts of this article on the personal tours and minute examinations I have recently made of twelve of the world's largest business plants:† (Purinton). The whole of the piece is based on his int erpretation of the values of big business, and there are some correlations within the work that make sense, but this is an opinion-based article, which means that the concluding facts are coming from what his ideas are, and not necessarily the truth, though he does encourage the reader to find out the facts regarding big business for themselves. 7.This source can be a valuable tool to use as an example of a persuasive essay, or opinion piece. It is very successful at outlining and discussing the views that it wants the reader to understand. Also, the author himself has a few quotes in this piece that one could almost find inspirational, such as â€Å"The only ripened fruits of creeds are deeds,† (Purinton). Lastly, there is historical reference value to this article in the fact that it is listing most of the powerhouse businesses of 1921, and it's interesting to see his view of the businesses then, compared to what those businesses are today.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How does work Guide the Development of the Self Essay

In man’s existence today, various concepts exist which if learnt and adhered to, can change the very quality of life itself. This is admirably conveyed by Emerson in his essay on self reliance and also deduced from chapters seven and eleven of Thoreau’s book on Walden. In chapter seven, the author narrates the story of an impoverished farmer who toils on his farm from sunrise to sunset, while in chapter 11, Thoreau dwells on the qualities of the inner person. After reading these essays, one is convinced that the most important attribute in life is that which is gained from knowledge of our true being as intended by the creator. Beginning with Emerson’s work, self trust is shown to be the key to self reliance because man’s true nature is that which is within him. We are all individuals in the eyes of providence, each with our own place which we must learn to accept and respect. It is only when we exercise self trust in the abilities given to us, that we will be able to improve as human beings. The author goes on to say that when we cultivate a respect for ourselves, we reject that which is external and which we spend every waking moment looking for. What is important is not the acquisition of material wealth, but rather, internal spiritual wealth. It is only when we place our faith in GOD, who is the most trustworthy and sits in our heart, that we gain self trust. He then works through our hands and predominates our beings. When you are in conformity, this undercuts your self reliance because it scatters your forces, and the real you cannot be detected. You tend to do things as everybody does. It is therefore important to be your own individual and your uniqueness will be evident. Consistency, on the other hand, enslaves us to our pasts because we are constantly judging our present with 2 tandards from the past. We fear to be contradicted by our peers and are therefore less and less self reliant. Self reliance is evident from the bean field chapter of Thoreau because the farmer was rewarded for his hard work with a harvest of twelve bushels. He did not have the benefit of modern farm implements or labor, yet he loved his work and was rewarded for it. This is a demonstration of self reliance born out of necessity. Instead of discouragement at the prospect of toil, the farmer confronted the ordeal happily and with spiritual calm. Additionally, he gained much more than money. He earned the respect of his neighbors, confidence and experience from his work. John Fields is another impoverished farmer who has a wife and a family to feed. Unfortunately, he is in a situation where survival dictates that he works for a wage as someone’s employee. For this very reason, he cannot be self reliant. Additionally, in order to change his lifestyle, he faces the prospect of being unable to afford the necessities of everyday life, for example, tea, coffee, meat and clothes. He also seems unable to find the time to contemplate his spiritual wellbeing which may help him look at his life afresh. However, the concepts conveyed by Thoreau’s higher laws can prove invaluable to him. One of them is that, â€Å"Man flows to GOD when the channel of purity is open†. This means that Fields must seek GOD who will give him an inner calm. This will enable him to identify that for which he is best suited to do and treat himself with respect. Additionally, he will be able to find that which identifies him as an individual, thereby helping him to excel. The kind of wealth that is described in Emerson’s â€Å"wealth† essay is very foreign to John Field’s understanding. According to Emerson, wealth is the application of mind to nature. This requires that one draws a benefit from the labors of the greatest numbers of men, and also do what his creator intended him to do. Unfortunately, Fields is a laborer who is employed on a wage. He does not even understand the concept of business, let alone begin to fathom how he can employ others. Additionally, he may be in the wrong career and needs to re-evaluate it if he is to enjoy the fruits of a better lifestyle. When Frederick Douglas goes to the north, he discovers that work, unlike in the south, is done with pride and actually creates wealth without the need for slave labor. It also dawns on him that freedom of the mind is the perfect breeding ground for economic progress, which he sees in even former slaves. Additionally, with a free mind comes the possibility of improving the intellect through reading. The common thread running through these readings is that the mind and spirit come first before the body. Nature can only be conquered by the spirit and the best way to enrich the spirit is by accepting that GOD has a purpose for each and every one of us. He has given us individual qualities which we must strive to nurture. We must recognize these qualities and use them according to his will. If we do not see the advantage within our hearts, then we will, as individuals, continue to move in a crowd, and our uniqueness will not help us or humanity. Wealth is first and foremost, that of the heart and spirit.