Sunday, June 16, 2019

International Management Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Management - Scholarship Essay ExampleKluckohn and Strodtbecks theory of culture points out six dimensions of culture that are there. These dimensions include identifying the nature of people, the persons relationship to nature, persons relationship to other people, the modality of human activity, the temporal focus of human activity and the conception of space. These six orientations were not clearly defined as well as they were not basically focusing on management. Ones useful way of characterizing differences in cultures is the low linguistic context-high-context approach developed by Edward and Mildred Hall. Halls Low-Context-High-Context Approach. In a low-context culture, the words used by the speaker explicitly convey the speakers message to the listener. Anglo-Saxon countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and Germanic countries are good examples of low-context cultures. In a high-context culture, the context in which a conversation occurs is just as important as the words that are actually spoken and cultural clues are important in understanding what is being communicated. Business behaviours in high-context cultures often differ from those in low-context cultures.

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